Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I'm BACK!!!!!

Hey Hey ppl!!! I'm BACK!!! Excited??? come on.. show me some of your excitement! (i guess some of you will think that finally I post something new!! Haha, thanks for visiting my blog anyway) Phewwww... have been so long for me and you all to wait since I ever started to blog. Well, honestly I did online these few days and feel like blogging but........ there's soooooooo many things for me to blog here and it made me became LAZY!!! Hahaha... However, it's still good that I finally become a little more hardworking and clicked on the "+ new post" and TAA DAAA..... I'm HERE!!! hahaha...

So... how're you ppl? Hope you are doing well... Cheer up for those of you that are feeling down!!! Don't worry, be happy..... Haha.. I'm doing great here so far.... Thus, no worries for those of you who're concern! Thanks for that! =) Just finished my exams couple of weeks ago and it's pretty much OK i suppose... Still don't know my results yet but hopefully I done well! Yeah... now it's time for ASSIGNMENTS!!! A lot of due dates are coming up and will keep me busy for the rest of the weeks!!! I'm pretty sure most of the University's students will face that too!!! Yeah... do MARK down my words " DON'T DO LAST MINUTE WORKS!!!!!" hahaha... at least I know I'm not doing last minute works now... *well done Steven... keep it up!!!*=p

Something come across my mind ever since I started to blog... interested in knowing? Yes I know you do... haha (I know I'm lame but I love being that way =p) Ok ok... this is what come across my mind... something about blog... I like visiting ppl's blog because one thing is I can know what's going on with my friends and shared their joy and sorrow... That's one of my purpose to blog also... but I seriously wish that I can bring happiness to those who visit my blog in stead of just knowing what's going on with me... I've made references from the way how ppl blog ( some are really inspiring, some are like daily report =p, some are like notes, some are like lyrics in the song, but... sadly some are discouraging :-S) I remember that ppl used to write dairy and it's rude to see other ppl dairy ( that's what the teachers said! haha) As you can see... in today's technology... ppl start blogging... which sounds like electronic dairy for me... does that means it's rude for us to visit other ppl blog? hmmm... answer is NO! There's good and bad about blogging.. well, I'm not gonna mention all because if not........ it gonna be like one of my assignments REPORT!!! hahaha..

I like to visit ppl's blog because it's interesting looking at other ppl's life especially when I found my name occuring in their blogs! This shows that I have been part of their memories! =p oh!! DO you know that you actually can influence someone's life??? But God can change it!! It's good if by doing little actions and you bring joy to someone else! Hehehe... now you know how great you can be!! HAHA!! SO come on my friends... cheer up ppl around you if they are down! This is what friendship means... to keep encouraging each others so that we can move on with our life!!! True friends will always do that ;-) This is also the pro of blogging... that you let other ppl know how you live your life and encourage them too! Ppl who're not good in expressing feelings can blog!!! When they blog... we can know what's really happening in them and from there, we can help them out too!

I guess this is my longest post ever so far... feel like writing essay... =D hahaha... It's not an ESSAY!!! it's a NEW POST in a BLOG!!! Hope my post for today can encourage you guys... Life is really tough as we go on but try to be optimistic whenever you face obstacles and difficulties in your life! I hope I can be there to cheer you up! Come chat with me whenever you want someone to talk to.... try me!! =) You might not know if I can help you! =) DO remember guys... LIVE EVERYDAY MEANINGFULLY and TILL THE FULLEST!!!! =D There'll always be a SOLUTION for every difficulties guys!!! SO DON'T WORRY... BE HAPPY!!!

Thanks for spending your a little(a lot =p) time of yours to read my blog... I hope it doesn't waste your time but if it does... remember that even the busiest man on the earth have 24 hours too!! so don't complain that you've not enough time!!! wakakaka =D Stay tune for the next post!!! Cheers ppl!!!

*You'll find HAPPINESS if you help others SINCERELY by not hoping for anything in return...* =)


Anonymous said...

oh my!
u actually blog?! *faints*
sooo unbelieveable.
in case if u're wonderin, it's ur lovin twin here:)

karheng said...

hey..great post..very encouraging as well..haha! keep it up man!

Anonymous said...

My friend and I were recently discussing about the prevalence of technology in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets less expensive, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=!2602F0E287041CEF!106.entry]R4[/url] DS SeKu)